Lazarus reminds me of Black Star, Bowie’s last album, and then I saw Roman Bowie. What a surprise! I miss u. I’m not sure it’s a blasphemy, cuz Jesus made a mistake, but then correct it with his life. Well, he’s not perfect anymore, but he’s more human. As for ax... God could be no mercy or at least not the type we can understand.
摩西言行混乱不知所云拉美西斯被丑化成白痴剪辑破碎宫廷戏犹如“皇帝的金锄头”般拙劣摩西夫妇的感情戏也毫无对话深度和存在必要总之是一部空有特效、大而无当的垃圾还不如花时间重温Cecil B. DeMille的不朽杰作《指环王3qvod》